Joining is easy! Sign up for an account on our website, and you'll automatically become part of our loyalty program.
Earn points every time you shop, follow us on social media, or refer friends to Skin Gym. Check your account for a full list of earning opportunities.
Redeem your points for exclusive discounts at checkout. Simply log in, select your rewards, and apply them to your order.
Yes, points expire after 6 months of inactivity on your account, so be sure to redeem them before then.
Orders typically process within 2-3 business days. Standard shipping within the U.S. takes 5-7 business days. Expedited options are available at checkout.
Yes, we ship worldwide! Delivery times and rates vary by location and will be displayed during checkout.
Once your order ships, you’ll receive a tracking link via email. Use this link to stay updated on your delivery.
If your package is delayed beyond the estimated timeframe or marked as delivered but not received, please contact us at support@skingymco.com with your order details for assistance.
We accept returns within 10 days of purchase for unused and unopened items in their original packaging. Shipping fees are non-refundable.
Email us at support@skingymco.com with your order number, reason for return, and any supporting photos if applicable. Our team will guide you through the process.
We currently do not offer exchanges. Instead, you can return the original item and place a new order for the desired product.
We’re so sorry for the inconvenience! Please email us at support@skingymco.com with photos of the item and your order number, and we’ll resolve the issue promptly.
Orders can only be modified or canceled within 1 hour of placement. Please contact us at support@skingymco.com immediately for assistance.
Yes! Sign up for our newsletter or follow us on social media to stay updated on our latest promotions and exclusive offers.
You can reach us at support@skingymco.com for any questions, concerns, or assistance.
Our customer support team is available Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM PST. We aim to respond to all inquiries within 1-2 business days.